By D. Prasun (TNI Siliguri) ~ Edited By Pradiptamay Saha (TNI Siliguri)
Webdesk, TNI Siliguri, 27th June, 2015: Sikkim and Kalimpong remained totally cut off throughout the day from the mainland India due to a sudden landslide in the National Highway connecting Siliguri and Sikkim. The fresh landslide occurred at Swetijhora area near Kalijhora on the National Highway. Many vehicles were seen stranded in an around the road. The road maintenance organization like the BRO (Border Road Organization) and GREF (General Reserve Engineers Force) had already started their cleaning operation of the debris over the road. However, the road remained closed throughout the day. Experts believe that due to the earthquake there were fissures created in the stones and clay of the hill leading to the landslide due to the seepage of water in those fissures. This has now become a continuous affair in the hills this season.
Photo: Chirantan Karmakar (Siliguri)